Telemeta at the 5th Folk Music Analysis international workshop

Telemeta, Parisson and the DIADEMS team participate to the 5th Folk Music Analysis international workshop (FMA) at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris from the 10th to the 12th june 2015.

The FMA workshop is intended for exchanging information that advances our understanding of oral tradition music and their importance in cultural events. The goal is to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to solve technical problems related to the study of ethnomusicology, especially the use of relevant sensors to get audio-video recordings from in-situ observations, the development of new theoretical approaches to analyze these recordings and the proposition of tools to be used for musical studies.

Guillaume Pellerin and Thomas Fillon present: Web analysis tools for ethnomusicology.

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Telemeta 1.5 is out!

After months of hard work we are pleased to release a big update to Telemeta communities. It represents a huge milestone that makes Telemeta now compatible with more modern web technologies.


  • Django 1.6.x compatibility
  • TimeSide 0.7.x compatibility
  • Huge refactoring of all forms, detail and edit views based on class based views
  • Main styles (buttons, tabs) are now based Bootstrap 3 and JQuery 2.1
  • Update of models and views as needed by the CREM
  • WARNING! Be careful to the new dependencies before updating


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Telemeta 1.4.6 is out!


  • Drastically improve collection zip packaqe streaming thanks to zipstream (check NEW dependencies)
  • Compatible with TimeSide >= 0.5.2
  • Add URL field to item so that a external sound can be indexed and streamed
  • Add TIMESIDE_AUTO_ZOOM in settings to auto toggle the player in zooming mode
  • Add TIMESIDE_DEFAULT_GRAPHER_ID in settings to select the default grapher in the player
  • Add minor migrations
  • Fix marker display bug
  • This is a transitional, minor release because 1.5 will be released soon.


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Import ISO 639-3 languages

From Telemeta 1.4, an ISO 639-3 language model has been implemented.

The ISO language table content can be initialized with the official code set. Here is a import example where telemeta_crem5 is the SQL database:

mysql -u root -p
load data infile '' into table telemeta_crem5.languages CHARACTER SET UTF8 ignore 1 lines (identifier, part2B, part2T, part1, scope, type, name, comment);

If you upgraded Telemeta from a version previous or equal to 1.3, please update the media_items table as follow:

mysql -u root -p
use telemeta_crem5
ALTER TABLE media_items ADD COLUMN 'language_iso_id' integer;
ALTER TABLE 'media_items' ADD CONSTRAINT 'language_iso_id_refs_id_80b221' FOREIGN KEY ('language_iso_id') REFERENCES 'languages' ('id');
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Telemeta at the 4th international workshop of Folk Music Analysis 2014

Thomas Fillon will be at the 4th international workshop of Folk Music Analysis in Istanbul, Turkey, from june the 12th to 13th 2014, Turkey for the Telemeta project.

Title of the poster: "An open web audio platform for ethnomusicological sound archives management and automatic analysis"



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Telemeta 1.4.5 has been released!

After a long debugging and producing period, Telemeta reaches a nice stable version.


  • Collection and Item regex in settings allowed
  • Change resource list filtering rules
  • Add KdenLive session parsers and auto faders to auto tag audio or video timeline
  • Add ffmpeg based transcoding tools
  • Add enumerations replacing methods
  • Add chat rooms for enumerations
  • Cleanup some useless model properties
  • Many, many and many bugfixes
  • Last version compatible with ​TimeSide 0.4.x
  • Please check the new dependencies in
  • As always after upgrading: ./ migrate telemeta
  • Download: ​


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